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Website Illustrations 2024 14

I’d known that she’d been struggling at school and with friends, but had never imagined things could go this far.

It took me completely by surprise.

I felt like my world had fallen apart.

I was frozen with anxiety, my head was spinning with worry and I was overwhelmed with questions about how to help her.

What lay ahead in her future? How could I protect our two younger children from this situation?

It was a day I’ll never forget.

I booked an appointment with our doctor. He suggested a referral to NHS’s CAMHs (Child Adolescent Mental Health services), but warned me we faced an 18 month wait for an assessment and that due to the amount of referrals they were getting, only the most serious cases were being accepted!

Much as I appreciate all the NHS do for us in this country… an 18 month wait was inconceivable. We needed immediate support, so I found a private counsellor who saw Jade once a week. This was helpful but expensive and clearly not enough.

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Over the coming weeks, I realised I could not stand and watch from the side-lines any longer. Jade was with a counsellor for one hour a week, but I was with her almost 24/7. I had no idea what to do, or how to do it…

Over the coming months we embarked on a windy journey. Some days where just about getting out of bed and putting one foot in front of the other. Others were filled with learning and surprises.

However, through it all, things began to get better.

She started to smile more. Her confidence began to return. She started taking about her plans for the future.

I am no superhero, I am just a mother who loves her daughter. I discovered strength I never knew I had along the way.

You can too.

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My husband and I set-up the Youth Mental Health Foundation to help parents (perhaps like you) to understanding the central role you can play supporting your child or teens mental health.

We come along way in a short time and now work with a team of amazing experts, including psychotherapists, psychologists, counsellors and a neuroscientist on our mission: